Red Light Therapy for Weight Loss & Pain Relief

Visible Red Light is capable of penetrating the skin to a depth of about 8-10mm. Once absorbed, the light energy is converted to cellular energy, stimulating the body’s natural processes on a cellular level and kicking off a whole series of metabolic events. While addressing pain relief, Red Light Therapy, can result in fat loss and fat cell reduction. It will trigger the formation of small openings or pores in fat cells, which will then release fatty acids known as lipids.

Clinical studies show a reduction in inflammation by increasing blood flow and circulation to damaging tissue.

Different Way’s Red Light Therapy Affects the Body

  • Increased Circulation and the Formation of New Capillaries.

  • Increased Lymphatic System Activity

  • Increased Production of Raw Cellular Energy

  • Increased Cellular Clean Up

  • Tissue Granulation Stimulated

  • Inflammation Reduced

All of these things will work together to produce many benefits for you in the areas of anti-aging, the healing of injuries, and relief of pain.

Schedule an Appointment

Become the best version of yourself. You are worth it, so take that step and schedule an appointment today!